The Sensex continues to swing in and out of the positive zone and is now up 25 points at 14,105. Larsen & Toubro has gained 1.5% at Rs 1,956. HDFC Bank has advanced 1.3% to Rs 1,102. Tata Motors, Tata Steel, ICICI Bank and Grasim have moved up 1% each to Rs 653, Rs 595, Rs 927 and Rs 2,399, respectively. HLL and BHEL are the other prominent gainers. Hindalco has dropped 1.5% to Rs 160. Infosys and Satyam have slipped 1.5% each to Rs 1,959 and Rs 470, respectively. Wipro and TCS has declined 1.3% each to Rs 516 and Rs 1,153, respectively. Reliance Energy is down 1% at Rs 525. The market breadth is almost neutral - out of 2,187 stocks traded so far, 1,056 have declined, 1,040 have advanced and 91 are unchanged. |