The Sensex opened with a positive gap of 21 points at 10,066. Fresh buying in the opening deals saw the index rally to a new all-time intra-day high of 10,116. The index is now up 39 points at 10,084. Cipla and Larsen & Toubro has surged 3% each to Rs 570 and Rs 2,268, respectively. Hero Honda and HLL have rallied over 2% each to Rs 905 and Rs 201, respectively. Satyam, Ranbaxy, Tata Motors, HDFC, ITC and Bajaj Auto are up 1-2% each. Bharti Tele and ACC are down nearly 1% each to Rs 367 and Rs 593, respectively. HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Infosys, NTPC and Dr.Reddy's are also trading in the negative zones. |