The Sensex has pared some gains and is now up 40 points at 10,900. Wipro and Grasim continue to rule firm with gains of 3% and 2.4% each at Rs 536 and Rs 1,970, respectively. Larsen & Toubro has slipped 1% to Rs 2,444. The market breath is fairly negative. Out of 2,533 stocks traded so far, 1,345 have declined, 1,106 have advanced and 82 are unchanged. Pratibha Industries has zoomed 17.5% to Rs 241. Suashis Diamond, Patspi India, Sunil Hitech, Amforge, Indotech, Escorts, Indiainfoline, ETC Network, Bombay Dyeing, Hindustan Zinc and Zee are the other prominent gainers. Tourism Finance has plunged 4.5% to Rs 13.90. Assam Company, Southern Petro, Aksh Optifibre, Goodricke, Unitech, IPCA Labs, G E Shipping, Jindal Saw, UTI Bank, IndusInd Bank and United Phosphorous are trading in the negative zones. |