The Sensex is now up 454 points at 15,288. The NSE Nifty is up 128 points at 4,661. Wipro has zoomed nearly 7% to Rs 385. Satyam and Jaiprakash Associates have soared nearly 6% each to Rs 392 and Rs 213, respectively. HDFC Bank has rallied nearly 5% to Rs 1,291. ICICI Bank has surged nearly 4% to Rs 797. Larsen & Toubro and Bharti Airtel have gained 3.3% each at Rs 2,857 and Rs 783, respectively. Tata Motors and Reliance Communications have advanced over 3% each to Rs 638 and Rs 513, respectively. ACC and Reliance have moved up nearly 3% each to Rs 780 and Rs 2,207, respectively. Infosys has added 2.5% to Rs 1,346. SBI, BHEL and ITC are up over 2% each at Rs 1,628, Rs 1,864 and Rs 187, respectively. Out of 2,680 stocks traded so far, 1,549 have declined, 1,050 have declined and the rest are unchanged. |