The Sensex continues to rally and is now up 472 points at 16,141. ONGC has soared 6.4% to Rs 905, and Maruti has zoomed 5.7% to Rs 925. HDFC Bank and Mahindra & Mahindra have surged over 5% each to Rs 1,296 and Rs 745, respectively. HDFC and Tata Motors have rallied 4.7% each to Rs 2,285 and Rs 728, respectively. SBI and ICICI Bank have advanced around 4% each to Rs 1,765 and Rs 961, respectively. Bharti Airtel has added 3.5% to Rs 862. Reliance Communications, Tata Steel, ACC and Reliance have gained around 3% each at Rs 554, Rs 733, Rs 1,157 and Rs 2,119, respectively. Infosys and Bajaj Auto have moved up 2.8% each to Rs 1,851 and Rs 2,468, respectively. |