The Sensex is now up 48 points 14,265. Tata Motors has surged 2.4% to Rs 777. ICICI Bank and Dr.Reddy's have rallied around 2% each to Rs 982 and Rs 724, respectively. HLL and BHEL are up 1% each at Rs 213 and Rs 2,516, respectively. HDFC and Gujarat Ambuja have dropped around 1.5% each to Rs 1,725 and Rs 119, respectively. Hero Honda has slipped 1.3% to Rs 679. Cipla and Satyam are down nearly 1% each to Rs 250 and Rs 462, respectively. The market breadth is negative - out of 2,358 stocks traded so far, 1,187 have declined, 1,098 have declined and 73 are unchanged. |