The Sensex is now up 507 points at 18,749. The NSE Nifty is up 174 points at 5,491. Reliance Communications has zoomed 6.5% to Rs 652, and ONGC has soared over 6% to Rs 1,109. Wipro and DLF have surged around 5% each to Rs 460 and Rs 853, respectively. TCS, Satyam and SBI have rallied around 4.5% each at Rs 971, Rs 440 and Rs 2,279, respectively. NTPC has gained 4% at Rs 214. BHEL and Cipla have moved up around 3.5% each to Rs 2,140 and Rs 203, respectively. Reliance and Ambuja Cements are up 3% each at Rs 2,617 and Rs 122, respectively. |