The Sensex from a high of 10,302 slipped to a low of 10,262 and is now up 50 points at 10,274. HLL and NTPC are up 2.5% each at Rs 247 and Rs 133, respectively. Tata Steel has added 1.5% to Rs 417. ITC (Rs 165), Reliance Energy (Rs 615), Larsen & Toubro (Rs 2,331), Cipla (Rs 565) and ONGC (Rs 1,186) are up over 1% each. Dr.Reddy's, HDFC Bank and Grasim have slipped 1.5% each to Rs 1,338, Rs 716 and Rs 1,652, respectively. The market breadth is slightly negative. Out of 2,334 stocks traded so far, 1,320 have declined, 944 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. Debutant Inox Leisure tops the value chart with a turnover of Rs 148.17 crore followed by Larsen & Toubro (Rs 56.97 crore), Jagran (Rs 55.02 crore), Reliance Capital (Rs 38.11 crore) and Tata Steel (Rs 26.89 crore). Inox also leads the volume chart with trades of around 80.20 lakh shares followed by Reliance Capital Ventures (29.43 lakh), Jagran (21.09 lakh), IDFC (19.93 lakh) and NTPC (14.07 lakh). |