The Sensex is now up 50 points at 13,449. Infosys and TCS have surged 2.7% each to Rs 2,220 and Rs 1,103, respectively. ICICI Bank and Satyam have rallied 1.5% each to Rs 852 and Rs 432, respectively. Larsen & Toubro is up over 1% at Rs 1,353. HLL has shed 2.5% to Rs 246. Hindalco and NTPC have dropped over 1.5% each to Rs 179 and Rs 136, respectively. Reliance Communications and Bajaj Auto are down 1% each to Rs 400 and Rs 2,573, respectively. Out of 2,463 stocks traded so far, 1,426 have declined, 954 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. |