The Sensex is now up 523 points at 16,192. ONGC and Maruti have zoomed 6% each to Rs 903 and Rs 928, respectively. HDFC Bank and HDFC have soared 5.7% each to Rs 1,301 and Rs 2,306, respectively. Mahindra & Mahindra and Tata Motors have surged 5% each to Rs 744 and Rs 730, respectively. SBI, ICICI Bank, Bharti Airtel, Bajaj Auto and Tata Steel have rallied 4% each to Rs 1,763, Rs 962, Rs 867, Rs 2,495 and Rs 739, respectively. Infosys, Reliance Communications and Reliance have advanced around 3.5% each to Rs 1,865, Rs 556 and Rs 2,127, respectively. Out of 2,732 stocks traded so far, 1,736 have advanced, 920 have declined and 76 are unchanged. |