The Sensex is now up 63 points at 14,494. ACC has zoomed 6.7% to Rs 885. Ambuja Cements has soared 5.4% to Rs 123, and Grasim has surged 4.5% to Rs 2,615. NTPC and Ranbaxy have moved up 1.4% each to Rs 152 and Rs 347, respectively. Bajaj Auto and Hindalco have dropped around 1.5% each to Rs 2,100 and Rs 167, respectively. Maruti and Hindustan Unilever has slipped around 1% each to Rs 744 and Rs 189, respectively. The market breadth is positive - out of 2,160 stocks traded so far, 1,432 have advanced, 665 have declined and 63 are unchanged. |