The Sensex is now up 64 points at 13,223. Hindalco and Hero Honda have rallied 3.7% each to Rs 142 and Rs 692, respectively. Bajaj Auto has surged 3.3% to Rs 2,597. HDFC and Grasim have flared up 2.7% each to Rs 1,550 and Rs 2,212, respectively. Tata Steel has spurted 2.2% to Rs 462. HLL and Gujarat Ambuja have advanced nearly 2% each to Rs 179 and Rs 114, respectively. BHEL and Ranbaxy have gained 1.7% each at Rs 2,210 and Rs 349, respectively. HDFC Bank, Larsen & Toubro and ITC have shed 1.7% each to Rs 964, Rs 1,516 and Rs 170, respectively. The market breadth is positive - out of 2,130 stocks traded so far, 1,435 have advanced, 643 have declined and 52 are unchanged. |