The Sensex has zoomed to a new all-time intra-day high of 12,546, and is now up 66 points at 12,530. Earlier in the day, the index zoomed to a new life-time intra-day high of 12,545, and then tumbled to a low of 12,356 - a swing of 189 points. ONGC has soared 3.6% to Rs 1,429. Larsen & Toubro has surged 2.5% to Rs 2,788. Tata Motors has rallied 2.7% to Rs 989, and Tata Steel has gained 2.5% at Rs 661. Maruti has zoomed 2% to Rs 959. HDFC has advanced 1.8% to Rs 1,365. Reliance Energy, Satyam, Bajaj Auto and Gujarat Ambuj are up over 1% each. Dr.Reddy's has slipped over 2% to Rs 1,646. Bharti Tele have declined over 1% to Rs 417. Out of 2,593 stocks traded so far, 1,503 have advanced, 1,026 have declined and 64 are unchanged. |