The Sensex is now up 73 points at 12,083. HLL and HDFC have rallied 3% each to Rs 251 and Rs 1,368, respectively. Cipla and Reliance Communications have gained around 2.3% each at Rs 261 and Rs 326, respectively. Larsen & Toubro and ITC have advanced 1.8% each to Rs 2,686 and Rs 186, respectively. BHEL and SBI have added 1.5% each to Rs 2,303 and Rs 994, respectively. Tata Motors and ICICI Bank are down nearly 1% each at Rs 862 and Rs 642, respectively. The market breadth is positive - out of 2,410 stocks traded so far, 1,307 have advanced, 1,016 have declined and the rest are unchanged. |