The Sensex touched a high of 10,288, and is now up 74 points at 10,275. Maruti has moved up 2.8% to Rs 800. Gujarat Ambuja has spurted over 2% to Rs 88. Infosys and HDFC have advanced 1.8% each to Rs 2,807 and Rs 1,387, respectively. Dr.Reddy's has surged 1.4% to Rs 1,326, and Grasim has added 1.3% to Rs 1,669. HDFC Bank (Rs 720), Tata Power (Rs 523), Satyam (Rs 777), ITC (Rs 165) and ACC (Rs 598) are up over 1% each. The market breadth is fairly positive. Out of 2,217 stocks traded so far, 1,318 have advanced, 825 have declined and the rest are unchanged. Wyeth has soared over 12% to Rs 647 on back of the company's plan to reconsider its decision regarding the Prevenar drug. Jindal Photo has zoomed 10% to Rs 148. Pfizer, Areva, Ansal Infrastructure, Eicher Motors, Deccan Chronicle, Liberty Shoes and Rain Calcining have rallied 7-10% each. Videocon Industries has plunged nearly 6% to Rs 418. Dynemic Product, Venkys, Goodricke, Container Corporation, Proctor & Gamble, Exide, Nirma, United Phosphorous, Hexaware and Cadila are in declining mode. |