The Sensex is now up 75 points at 15,640. BHEL has soared 4.3% to Rs 1,719. Hindustan Unilever and Larsen & Toubro have surged around 3.5% each to Rs 201 and Rs 2,561, respectively. Bajaj Auto and Reliance Energy have rallied around 3% each to Rs 2,402 and Rs 709, respectively. Satyam has gained 2% at Rs 488. NTPC, ONGC and HDFC have advanced around 1.5% each to Rs 157, Rs 900 and Rs 1,217, respectively. Tata Motors and Maruti are up over 1% each at Rs 777 and Rs 838, respectively. Cipla has plunged 4.3% to Rs 192. Infosys has dropped 2.5% to Rs 1,939. Ambuja Cements and ICICI Bank are down 1.4% each at Rs 134 and Rs 972, respectively. |
Out of 2,602 stocks traded so far, 1,312 have advanced, 1,221 have declined and 69 are unchanged. |