The Sensex opened with a positive gap of 13 points at 12,636, which also turned out to be the low for the day. Sustained buying in bank and tech scrips saw the index zoom to a high of 12,718. The Sensex finally closed with a gain of 75 points at 12,698. The sectoral indices finished on a mixed note today. The BSE Bankex zoomed 3.5% (213 points) to 6314. The BSE Metal Index gained 2% to 9102. The BSE Teck Index was up almost 1% at 3226. The BSE Consumer Durables Index declined 3.7% (125 points) to 3232. The BSE Oil & Gas Index dropped over 1% to 5812. The BSE FMCG and Healthcare Indices also declined. The broad market undertone, too, was bullish today. Out of 2,530scrips traded, 1,376 moved up, 1,084 declined and 70 were unchanged today. INDEX MOVERS & SHAKERS ICICI Bank zoomed 4.6% (Rs 33) to Rs 753. SBI added over 4% (Rs 41) to Rs 1,066. HDFC Bank touched a high of Rs 1,001, but finally closed with a gain of 2.6% (Rs 26) at Rs 996. Infosys added 1.5% (Rs 30) to Rs 2,072. While Wipro added Rs 9 to Rs 556, Satyam was up Rs 6 at Rs 431. Hindalco gained over 2% to Rs 188. ONGC, BHEL, Maruti and Grasim also finished with gains today. Bajaj slipped over 2% (Rs 62) to Rs 2,757. Reliance was down 1.6% (Rs 19) to Rs 1,175. Ranbaxy dropped over 2% to Rs 402. HLL, Tata Steel, Hero Honda and ITC also declined. TOP VOLUMES & TRADES Hindustan Zinc was the most active counter with a turnover of Rs 208 crore followed by Tech Mahindra (Rs 149 crore), Renuka Sugar (Rs 128 crore) and Indiabulls (Rs 90 crore). IFCI topped the volume chart with trades of over 1.45 crore shares followed by Mangalore Chemicals (55 lakh), Nagarjuna Fertilisers (29 lakh) and SAIL (28 lakh). |