The Sensex is now up 96 points at 14,300. BHEL and Ranbaxy have surged 2.2% each to Rs 1,381 and Rs 378, respectively. SBI and Reliance Energy have rallied 2% each to Rs 1,339 and Rs 537, respectively. Reliance Communications, Maruti and ICICI Bank have moved up 1.7% each to Rs 500, Rs 741 and Rs 921, respectively. Larsen & Toubro, HDFC Bank and ONGC are up around 1% each at Rs 1,948, Rs 1,112 and Rs 889, respectively. NTPC has shed 1.5% to Rs 151. Grasim has slipped 1% to Rs 2,408. Out of 2,258 stocks traded so far, 1,447 have advanced, 734 have declined and 77 are unchanged. |