The Sensex has rallied back towards the day's high of 11,910, and is now up 249 points at 11,896. Cipla has soared 6% to Rs 263. ONGC has surged nearly 5% to Rs 1,386. HDFC is up 3.4% at Rs 1,298. Maruti has zoomed 4.4% to Rs 906. Bajaj Auto and Tata Motors have rallied 3% each to Rs 2,923 and Rs 944, respectively. Grasim, Tata Steel, Infosys and HLL have moved up nearly 3% each to Rs 2,363, Rs 640, Rs 3,232 and Rs 285, respectively. Out of 2,480 stocks traded so far, 1,577 have advanced, 827 have declined and 76 are unchanged. Bata India has zoomed 14% to Rs 273. Pratibha, Jindal South, BSEL Infrastructure, FACT, Sunil Hitech, Madras Aluminium, Finolex Industries, Tata Elxsi, Suzlon, Hinduja TMT and Sterlite are the other major gainers. Harrison Malyalam has plunged 5.5% to Rs 147. Aarvee Denim, Strides Arcolab, Shah Alloy, Dalmia Cement, Subex System, Sundaram Clayton, Syngenta, Ispat Industries and Indo Rama Synthetics are the other major losers. |