The scrip surged to a high of Rs 590 and finally settled at Rs 590, up 20% from the previous close. The counter clocked volumes of 634,303 shares as compared to the two-week daily average traded volumes of 50,936 shares. ____________________________________________________
(Updated at 1106hrs)
Merck India is quoting at the day's high of Rs 589, stronger by Rs 98 or 19%, on the BSE. The stock had opened the day at Rs 490.
The company recorded a 49% gowth in net profit to Rs 26 crore for the quarter ended September 30, 2009 as against Rs 17.6 crore in the corresponding quarter last year. Operating profit, excluding other income, grew 55% to Rs 22.8 crore as against Rs 14.75 core in the year-ago period.
The stock has already seen trading volumes of 387,429 shares as against the two-week average of 50,936 shares.