Shares of Shree Cement slipped 4.70 per cent to Rs 21,335.40 on the BSE after the company's consolidated net profit dropped 13.5 per cent on a year-on-year (YoY) basis to Rs 330.35 crore for the June quarter of FY21 (Q1FY21). In comparison, the company had posted a profit of Rs 382 crore in the year-ago quarter.
The company’s revenue dipped 24 per cent YoY to Rs 2,480 crore from Rs 3,302 crore in Q1FY20. On the operational front, earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and ammortisation (Ebitda) slipped 22.3 per cent to Rs 700 crore while Ebitda/tonne stood at Rs 1,422. Ebitda