Skipper hit a record high of Rs 293, up 11% on the BSE in intra-day trade, extending its Friday’s 3.5% gain on the BSE, after the company’s board gave an in-principle nod to tie-up with Metzerplas of Israel to make Drip irrigation system.
“The Company’s board has given in-principal approval to form a joint venture (JV) with Metzerplas which is one of the largest and most specialised manufacturers of drip irrigation solutions from Israel,” Skipper said in a press release.
The current domestic industry size is estimated at over Rs 5,000 crore and under the Honb’ble Prime Minister’s
“The Company’s board has given in-principal approval to form a joint venture (JV) with Metzerplas which is one of the largest and most specialised manufacturers of drip irrigation solutions from Israel,” Skipper said in a press release.
The current domestic industry size is estimated at over Rs 5,000 crore and under the Honb’ble Prime Minister’s