The benchmark Sensex on Tuesday crossed the 53,000-mark for the first time. The index touched a high of 53,057 before settling at 52,589. The latest 1,000-point up move has been the slowest in the previous 10.
The 30-share index had first breached the 52,000-mark February 15, 2021. But dropped over 9 per cent to below 48,000 after that due to the selloff triggered by the lethal second-wave of covid 19 infections.
As a result, the journey from 52,000 to 53,000 has taken 85 days. The previous 1,000-point up move from 51,000 to 52,000 took just six trading sessions
The 30-share index had first breached the 52,000-mark February 15, 2021. But dropped over 9 per cent to below 48,000 after that due to the selloff triggered by the lethal second-wave of covid 19 infections.
As a result, the journey from 52,000 to 53,000 has taken 85 days. The previous 1,000-point up move from 51,000 to 52,000 took just six trading sessions