S Subramanian of Enam Financial Consultants, in
Business India
There is no substance to the adage that FIIs book profits in December. All funds are accounted for on a daily mark to market. So whether you have profits that are realised or not is really immaterial, for it is the NAV that really matters.
Alok Vajpeyi, president, DSP Merrill Lynch Fund
Managers, in Business India
India has suffered much because of three types of beliefs - 1. Private enterprise is only for maximising wealth for the employers; 2. There is a fundamental contradiction between the class of employers and the class of employees; 3. The job of the government is to control everything and not to facilitate investment and growth.
Prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee in Fortune India
Investors have returned to the markets not only on the basis of fundamentals, but have been nudged on by the safety perception associated with governmental backing.
Prithvi Haldea, managing director, Prime Database,
in Outlook Money
The swiftness of the rally is a reflection of two facts: one, the extreme undervaluation in the markets, which has got corrected somewhat. Two, India has emerged as one of the most attractive investment destinations for global fund managers.
R Sukumar, CIO, Templeton India Mutual Fund,
in Outlook Money
It is still to sink into the people's minds that the Indian securities market is as efficient as any other. Spoiling the perception takes a very short time. Building it is a long haul. I hope it is happening...
G N Bajpai, chairman, Sebi,
in Businessworld |