Shares of SpiceJet were trading lower for the fifth straight session, down 2.5 per cent at Rs 96.85 on the BSE on Friday in an otherwise firm market. The stock of India’s second biggest airline in terms of market share was quoting at its lowest level since April 11, 2019.
In the past six days, SpiceJet's share price has slipped 7 per cent after Boeing announced last week that it would suspend producing 737 Max planes as the certification process of the safety of these planes by the Federal Aviation Administration would move into 2020. In comparison, the S&P
In the past six days, SpiceJet's share price has slipped 7 per cent after Boeing announced last week that it would suspend producing 737 Max planes as the certification process of the safety of these planes by the Federal Aviation Administration would move into 2020. In comparison, the S&P