State Trading Corporation of India (STC India) has locked in upper circuit of 10% at Rs 230, also its two-year high on the BSE in an otherwise weak market. The stock of state-owned company is trading at its highest level since June 10, 2014.
Till 12:22 pm; a combined 1.94 million shares have changed hands on the counter and there were pending buy orders for 719,141 shares on the BSE and NSE.
In past two-weeks, the stock has zoomed 97% from Rs 117 on December 19, as compared to a marginal 0.41% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
Till 12:22 pm; a combined 1.94 million shares have changed hands on the counter and there were pending buy orders for 719,141 shares on the BSE and NSE.
In past two-weeks, the stock has zoomed 97% from Rs 117 on December 19, as compared to a marginal 0.41% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.