Steel prices moved in a narrow range on lack of worthwhile buying activity before closing flat on the local steel market here today.
Traders said lack of worthwhile buying activity due to rainy season and tight money market conditions kept steel prices steady.
Following are today's quotations per tonne:
CTD saria (Kamdhenu) 8-mm 44,200, 10-mm 43,500, 12-mm 42,800, 16-25 mm 43,300
Saria Jai Bharat (TMT) 8-mm 44,800, 10 mm 44,000, 12-mm 43,200, 16-25 mm 43,600
Amba shakti: (TMT) 8-mm 41,200, 10 mm 40,300, 12 mm 39,700, 16 to 25 mm 40,100
M S Angle: (50x5) (50x6) 33,000, (40x5) (40x6) 33,500
Angle capital (ISI) (40X5) (40x6) 36,900, (35X5) (65X6) 33,900
Garder 125X65 RS 39,300