Shares of KP Energy (KEPL) hit a new high of Rs 241.05, after rallying 10 per cent on the BSE in Monday’s intra-day trade on the back of heavy volumes. The stock of the electric utilities company was trading higher for the fifth straight day, surging 41 per cent during the same period.
In the past four weeks, it has zoomed 92 per cent from a level of Rs 125.75 on November 29, 2021, as compared to 0.17 per cent gain in the S&P BSE Sensex. At 01:58 pm; the stock was trading 9 per cent higher at Rs
In the past four weeks, it has zoomed 92 per cent from a level of Rs 125.75 on November 29, 2021, as compared to 0.17 per cent gain in the S&P BSE Sensex. At 01:58 pm; the stock was trading 9 per cent higher at Rs