Recommencing the spirits of Diwali, Nifty extended gains for the second day in a row to close 0.49 per cent higher at 11,844.10, decisively holding above the 11,800 mark. However, India VIX also seemed to continue with this spirit and ended higher by another 1.58 per cent to close at 16.68, while Options data suggests a shift in higher trading range in Nifty from 11,700 to 11,900 levels.
Preceding the expiry sentiment, Nifty portrays a much neutral-to-slightly-bullish stance with maximum intra-day open interest additions seen in strike prices of 11,800 Put and 11,850 Call each to the tune of
Preceding the expiry sentiment, Nifty portrays a much neutral-to-slightly-bullish stance with maximum intra-day open interest additions seen in strike prices of 11,800 Put and 11,850 Call each to the tune of