Alfa Laval stock spurted in Wednesday's trading after the company announced that it had received an order for about Rs 76 crore ($16 million) from Vedanta Aluminium, part of Vedanta Resources Plc. The machinery is for Vedanta's aluminium refinery at Lanjigarh in Orissa. |
Alfa Laval also said that it had bagged an order for Rs 34 crore for a distillery in Thailand. The stock on the back of the news touched an intra day high of Rs 529, before closing at Rs 510.70 on back of volumes of more than 16,000 shares on the BSE. |
The stock is generally thinly traded with the average daily volume of less than 5 thousand shares on the BSE in the last one year. |
The company is a subsidiary of Swedish multinational Alfa Laval AB, which has a 64.1 per cent stake in the company. The company's order book position as on date is Rs 424.10 crore. |