Sugar prices eased marginally by Rs 10 per quintal in the national capital today following reduced offtake by retailers and bulk consum
Market analysts said reduced offtake against ample supply mainly held sugar prices in negative territory.
Sugar spot medium and second grade prices eased by Rs 10 to settle at Rs 3,140-3,265 and Rs 3,115-3,240 per quintal, respectively.
Mill delivery medium and second grade prices also fell by Rs 10 each to Rs 2,890-3,065 and Rs 2,880-3,055 per quintal, respectively.
The following were today's quotation in Rs per quintal.
Sugar ready M-30 3,140-3,265 and S-30 3,115-3,240
Mill delivery M-30 2,890-3,065 and S-30 2,880-3,055
Sugar mill gate prices (excluding duty): Kinonni 3,000, Asmoli 2,990, Mawana 2,965, Titabi 2,960, Thanabhavan 2,930, Budhana 2920 and Dorala 2,960