Sugar prices softened by Rs 85 per quintal in the national capital today on selling from mills amid reduced offtake by stockists and bulk consumers.
Marketmen said ample supply from millers against slackness in demand from stock
ists as well as softdrink and ice-cream makers pulled down the prices. Lower demand from retailers also influenced the trading sentiment, they added.
Mill delivery medium and second grade prices lost from Rs 2,900-3,000 and Rs 2,890-3,025 to close at Rs 2,815-3,000 and Rs 2,800-2,975 per quintal.
Sugar ready medium and second grade prices declined from Rs 3,050-3,200 and Rs 3,025-3,175 to end at Rs 3,025-3,185 and Rs 3,000-3,150 per quintal.
Among millgate section, sugar mawana and dorala slipped to settle at Rs 2,975 and Rs 2,950 per quintal.
Following are today's rates in Rs per quintal:
Sugar ready M-30 3,025-3,185 and S-30 3,000-3,150
Mill delivery M-30 2,815-3,000 and S-30 2,800-2,975
Sugar mill gate prices (excluding duty): Kinonni 3,000, Asmoli 2,990, Mawana 2,975, Titabi 2,950, Thanabhavan 2,910, Budhana 2900, and Dorala 2,950