Sugar prices remained firm for the second straight day and added Rs 10 per quintal in the capital today on sustained buying by stockists and bulk consumers for the coming festivals.
Traders said buying activity in sugar picked up as stockists and bulk consumers such as soft drink and ice-cream makers enlarged their positions for the festival season.
Sugar ready medium and second grade prices remained in demand and added another Rs 10 each to Rs 2,760-2,885 and Rs 2,750-2,875 per quintal.
Mill delivery medium and second grade also traded higher by the same margin to Rs 2,560-2,735 and Rs 2,550-2,725 per quintal.
Following are today's rates in Rs per quintal:
Sugar ready M-30 2,760-2,885 and S-30 2,750-2,875
Mill delivery M-30 2,560-2,735 and S-30 2,550-2725
Sugar mill gate prices (excluding duty): Kinonni 2,700, Asmoli 2,690, Mawana 2,650, Titabi 2,645, Thanabhavan 2,610, Budhana 2,620 and Dorala 2,630