Shares of Suven Life Sciences hit a 52-week high of Rs 338, up 6%, gaining 30% in past one week on the BSE in an otherwise weak market. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex has lost 0.58% during the period.
The stock of pharmaceutical company has zoomed 88% in past four months from Rs 180, against 7% rise in the benchmark index. It was trading close to its record high of Rs 339 recorded on April 15, 2015 on the BSE.
The counter has seen huge trading volumes with a combined 1.52 million equity shares changed hands on
The stock of pharmaceutical company has zoomed 88% in past four months from Rs 180, against 7% rise in the benchmark index. It was trading close to its record high of Rs 339 recorded on April 15, 2015 on the BSE.
The counter has seen huge trading volumes with a combined 1.52 million equity shares changed hands on