Tata Coffee has tumbled 10% to Rs 1,020 after reporting a consolidated net loss of Rs 30 crore for the second quarter ended September 30, 2013 (Q2) against profit of Rs 45 .85 crore in the corresponding quarter of previous fiscal.
Total income from operations too, declined by 1.67% at Rs 470 crore from Rs 478 crore during the recently concluded quarter. The EBITDA or operating margins remain unchanged at 18.51% over the previous year quarter.
The stock opened at Rs 1,139 and touched high of Rs 1,155 on BSE, before the announcements of September quarter earnings. A combined 660,000 shares have changed hands on the counter till late noon deals on BSE and NSE.
Total income from operations too, declined by 1.67% at Rs 470 crore from Rs 478 crore during the recently concluded quarter. The EBITDA or operating margins remain unchanged at 18.51% over the previous year quarter.
The stock opened at Rs 1,139 and touched high of Rs 1,155 on BSE, before the announcements of September quarter earnings. A combined 660,000 shares have changed hands on the counter till late noon deals on BSE and NSE.