Shares of Tata Metaliks went up to close at Rs 168.95 after hitting an intra-day high of Rs 171.75. The rally was mainly due to its strong financial performance for the third quarter. |
Volumes in the scrip were of the order of 1.38 lakh shares on the BSE. The life time high reached by the stock was Rs 181.75, last week. |
However, recently the scrip has been going down due to profit booking. The company's net profit has gone up nearly 13 per cent on a quarter to quarter basis, while operating profit margin has increased nearly 36 per cent compared with the previous quarter. |
One of the reasons for its improved performance is that the prices of pig iron have firmed up. |
The company is expanding its pig iron capacity at an investment of Rs 50 crore, which will nearly double its production. The company has also applied for licenses for iron ore mines and coking coal blocks. |