Shares of Tata Motors surged 6 per cent to Rs 184, an over six-month high level, in intra-day trade on Friday on the back of heavy volumes. The automobile major's stock has gained 14 per cent in the past two trading days on the BSE. It was trading at its highest level since May 28, 2019.
At 10:56 am, Tata Motors had erased its early morning gain and was trading 4 per cent higher at Rs 180 on the BSE. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was up 0.83 per cent at 40,916 points.
The trading volumes on the
At 10:56 am, Tata Motors had erased its early morning gain and was trading 4 per cent higher at Rs 180 on the BSE. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was up 0.83 per cent at 40,916 points.
The trading volumes on the