Tata Motors has surged almost 5% to Rs 312 in opening deals on BSE, after the company's UK subsidiary Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) reported a strong 32% year-on-year (y-o-y) jump in global sales at 34,877 units in the month of January 2013.
"January sales were up across every major market with sales up 74% in China, 46% in Asia Pacific, 33% in the UK, 24% in North America and 10% in Europe," JLR said in a statement.
Land Rover sales were up in all major markets with record January sales in several, including the UK, USA and Germany, the statement added.
The stock opened at Rs 309 and has seen a combined 1.95 million shares change hands on the counter on BSE and NSE.
"January sales were up across every major market with sales up 74% in China, 46% in Asia Pacific, 33% in the UK, 24% in North America and 10% in Europe," JLR said in a statement.
Land Rover sales were up in all major markets with record January sales in several, including the UK, USA and Germany, the statement added.
The stock opened at Rs 309 and has seen a combined 1.95 million shares change hands on the counter on BSE and NSE.