Tata Steel hit a fresh 52-week high of Rs 534, up 1%, extending its Monday’s 3.4% gain on BSE, after the company said that it proposes to sell 83.6 million equity shares of face value of Rs 2 each of Tata Motors to Tata Sons.
On Saturday, Tata Sons said it would buy 83.6 million shares or 2.85% stake in Tata Motors from Tata Steel on or after June 23.
“The transaction is expected to be executed on or after June 23, 2017 at or around the prevailing price on the date of proposed sale, subject to no
On Saturday, Tata Sons said it would buy 83.6 million shares or 2.85% stake in Tata Motors from Tata Steel on or after June 23.
“The transaction is expected to be executed on or after June 23, 2017 at or around the prevailing price on the date of proposed sale, subject to no