Shares of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) were up 3% at Rs 1,830 per share on the BSE in early morning trade after the information technology (IT) major said that its Board will consider a proposal for buyback of equity shares of the company, at its meeting on June 15, 2018.
During a recent media interaction, the Mumbai-headquartered company’s Chief Executive Officer Rajesh Gopinathan had said the company would distribute 80-100% of its free reserves and free cash generated in a year to shareholders.
Last year, TCS had bought back 56.14 million equity shares, representing around 3% of its
During a recent media interaction, the Mumbai-headquartered company’s Chief Executive Officer Rajesh Gopinathan had said the company would distribute 80-100% of its free reserves and free cash generated in a year to shareholders.
Last year, TCS had bought back 56.14 million equity shares, representing around 3% of its