TD Power Systems has soared 15% to Rs 225 on the BSE after the company said that it has received an order for supply of 45 railway application generators from a major multi-national company (MNC) for installation in North America. The amount of order is not disclosed by the company.
The supplies under this order would be completed between January 2017 & April 2017, TD Power Systems said in a regulatory filing.
The company expects volumes to grow from this business in the forthcoming financial years.
This is an outcome of the successful trial run of 5 generators supplied earlier in February 2016 to the same customer, it added.
At 09:52 am, the stock was up 9% at Rs 214 on the BSE. The trading volumes on the counter more than 10-folds with a combined 238,629 shares changing hands on the BSE and NSE.
The stock hit a 52-week low of Rs 195 on Monday, August 29, 2016 during intra-day trade.
The supplies under this order would be completed between January 2017 & April 2017, TD Power Systems said in a regulatory filing.
The company expects volumes to grow from this business in the forthcoming financial years.
This is an outcome of the successful trial run of 5 generators supplied earlier in February 2016 to the same customer, it added.
At 09:52 am, the stock was up 9% at Rs 214 on the BSE. The trading volumes on the counter more than 10-folds with a combined 238,629 shares changing hands on the BSE and NSE.
The stock hit a 52-week low of Rs 195 on Monday, August 29, 2016 during intra-day trade.