Thermax was up 5% to Rs 1,270, also its 52-week high on the BSE in early morning trade, after the company said it has received an order worth Rs 327 crore for a boiler-turbine-generator (BTG) plant package from a public sector company based in western India for its up-coming chemical plant.
“The company will be executing this EPC order for captive co-generation power plant of 2x65MW capacity. The scope of the project includes design, engineering, manufacturing, construction and commissioning of the solid fuel based BTG package consisting of 2 CBFC boilers, steam turbines and generators”, Thermax said in press
“The company will be executing this EPC order for captive co-generation power plant of 2x65MW capacity. The scope of the project includes design, engineering, manufacturing, construction and commissioning of the solid fuel based BTG package consisting of 2 CBFC boilers, steam turbines and generators”, Thermax said in press