Shares of the recently-listed healthcare supplies company Nureca rallied 10 per cent and hit a new high of Rs 929 on the BSE on Monday in an otherwise weak market. At 01:48 pm, it was trading 7 per cent higher at Rs 906, against 3.5 per cent decline in the S&P BSE Sensex.
In the past three days, the stock of the home healthcare and wellness products provider has jumped 36 per cent and soared 132 per cent against its issue price of Rs 400 per share. Nureca’s Rs 100-crore IPO had seen more than 40 times oversubscription.
In the past three days, the stock of the home healthcare and wellness products provider has jumped 36 per cent and soared 132 per cent against its issue price of Rs 400 per share. Nureca’s Rs 100-crore IPO had seen more than 40 times oversubscription.