Shares of TRF hit an over six-year high of Rs 339.60, and were locked at the 5 per cent upper circuit on the BSE in Tuesday's intra-day trades, with only buyers seen at the counter. The stock of Tata Group company traded at its highest level since July 2016. Tata Steel (TSL), the promoter of TRF, held 34.11 per cent stake in the company as on June 30, 2022.
In the past six trading days, the market price of TRF has zoomed 101 per cent from a level of Rs 168.80 on September 12, 2022 after the scrip was
In the past six trading days, the market price of TRF has zoomed 101 per cent from a level of Rs 168.80 on September 12, 2022 after the scrip was