Shares of Dwarikesh Sugar hit a new high of Rs 113.70, on rallying 9 per cent on the BSE in Wednesday’s intra-day trade on expectation of strong earnings. The stock of sweetener company has zoomed 41 per cent in the past eight trading days.
In the last one week, the stock outperformed the market by surging 25 per cent, as against a 3 per cent decline on the S&P BSE Sensex. At 09:48 am; the stock was up 5 per cent at Rs 109.75, as compared to 0.40 per cent gain on the benchmark index.
Dwarikesh Sugar is
In the last one week, the stock outperformed the market by surging 25 per cent, as against a 3 per cent decline on the S&P BSE Sensex. At 09:48 am; the stock was up 5 per cent at Rs 109.75, as compared to 0.40 per cent gain on the benchmark index.
Dwarikesh Sugar is