The benchmark indices BSE Sensex and Nifty 50 opened on a positive note on Wednesday, mirroring the cues from their Asian peers. But the underlying sentiment remains nervous owing to the ongoing geopolitical tensions between Russia-Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin's order to deploy troop on the recognised territories in the eastern Ukraine region, has seen reciporcal response from the western powers with fresh sanctions.
This has fanned fears of disruption in the oil production/ supply which pushed the Brent Crude to its highest level since 2014, almost hitting the $100-mark on Tuesday.
As of 11:30 AM, the BSE Sensex
This has fanned fears of disruption in the oil production/ supply which pushed the Brent Crude to its highest level since 2014, almost hitting the $100-mark on Tuesday.
As of 11:30 AM, the BSE Sensex