Shares of Titan Company hit an over six-week high of Rs 1,562, up 4 per cent on the BSE, in the intra-day trade on Tuesday on expectation of a healthy revenue growth on the back of continued expansion in store network as well as opportunities presented by large share of unorganized sector in the industry.
The stock was trading at its highest level since February 11, 2021 and is 4 per cent away from its record high level of Rs 1,621, touched on January 6 this year. In the past one month, Titan has outperformed the market by gaining
The stock was trading at its highest level since February 11, 2021 and is 4 per cent away from its record high level of Rs 1,621, touched on January 6 this year. In the past one month, Titan has outperformed the market by gaining