Shares of Titan Company rallied 6% to Rs 487, also its fresh high on the BSE, after the company said the demand scenario in Q4 (January to March) quarter for the firm had improved and sales across its divisions had been good, pointing to a strong earnings period ahead of its Q4 results.
The second half (October-March) of the financial year 2016-17 (FY17), however, exceeded expectations on all counts despite the serious regulatory impact in the form of demonetisation.
“The consumer sentiment as well as demand scenario recovered quite significantly (post demonetization) by the beginning of Q4 FY
The second half (October-March) of the financial year 2016-17 (FY17), however, exceeded expectations on all counts despite the serious regulatory impact in the form of demonetisation.
“The consumer sentiment as well as demand scenario recovered quite significantly (post demonetization) by the beginning of Q4 FY