Shares of Titan Company slumped as much as 13 per cent to Rs 1,094 apiece on the BSE in the opening deals on Monday after the company reported a lower-than-expected growth in jewellery business during April-June quarter (Q1FY20) owing to a tough macro-economic environment with consumption taking a hit.
With today’s fall, the stock slipped 19 per cent from its all-time high level of Rs 1,341 touched on July 1, 2019.
At 10:06 am, the stock was trading 12 per cent lower at Rs 1,099 on the BSE against 0.53 per cent fall in the benchmark S&P BSE
With today’s fall, the stock slipped 19 per cent from its all-time high level of Rs 1,341 touched on July 1, 2019.
At 10:06 am, the stock was trading 12 per cent lower at Rs 1,099 on the BSE against 0.53 per cent fall in the benchmark S&P BSE