Current: 6,044 (fut: 6,051);
Target: NA
Breakout past resistance at 6,020 indicate the short-term trend is bullish. Resistance at current (6,050) levels. Nearest support at 6,020, next support at 6,000 and third support at 5,960. Beyond 6,050, next resistance is 6,075 and then 6,110. The bullspread of long 6,100c (68) and short 6,200c (35) remains worth holding.
Current price: Rs 239 ;
Target price: Rs 250
The stock could climb till Rs 250-252. Keep a stop at Rs 234 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 241 and Rs 244. Book profits above Rs 250.
Current price: Rs 485;
Target price: Rs 495
New high of Rs 494 on excellent volumes followed by a pullback till Rs 485. The Rs 495 level will be tested again and if it breaks, the stock could go till Rs 502. Keep a stop at Rs 478 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 488 and Rs 492. Book profits or partial profits above Rs 495.
Current price: Rs 331;
Target price: Rs 340
The stock could run till Rs 340-343 if it passed resistance at Rs 335. Keep a stop at Rs 327 and go long., Add to the position between Rs 335 and Rs 338. Book profits above Rs 340.
The target prices and projected movements given above are in terms of the next one trading session, unless otherwise stated